Project X Zone Wiki

This is a list of quotes for the solo character Pai Chan. Like the other solo characters, she has a unique pre-battle dialog with all the paired characters and additionally, around six post-battle dialogs with select paired characters.

Pai Chan[]


Solo Begin[]

Solo Finish[]


Paired Characters[]

Akira Yuki & Kage-Maru[]


  • Akira: One should never harm others, nor themselves, in the face of anger.
    Pai: My creed! This is the guideline I live by!
    Kage-Maru: And it is the law of my masters!


  • Pai: We still don't have enough.
    Akira: Enough training?
    Kage-Maru: No. Love.

Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine[]


  • Pai: You could make a movie of this! Get some footage on that camera of yours!
    Jill: You mean the Genesis? Wait, does it take video too?
    Chris: Beats me. Should we give it a try?


  • Pai: It's just like a movie! Awesome gunfights and everything!
    Chris: This is no movie. It's a real battle, Pai.
    Jill: I have to admit the enemies and location are kind of cinematic.

Chrom & Lucina[]


  • Pai: You may both be royalty, but is your kung fu strong enough?
    Chrom: Kung fu? To what could she be referring?
    Lucina: Father, I think it's some kind of otherworldly superpower!

Chun-Li & Ling Xiaoyu[]


  • Pai: I'll show you the mystical essence of Chinese martial arts! Hyaaah!
    Xiaoyu: Hiyaaah! Whaatchaaa!
    Chun-Li: Hah! Hoyah! Hiyah--Wait, are we being stereotypes? Is that it?


  • Pai: This might've been the most painful day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.
    Xiaoyu: Whoa epic burn! No wonder you're a famous actor!
    Chun-Li: Something about that sounds familiar, though...

Ciel Alencon & Nana Kouzuki[]


  • Pai: Move in an arc around your foes. That's how the Hakkesho stance work.
    Ciel: I see. That could come in handy against Aragami, too.
    Nana: If I turn on my boost, I can't do much besides zoom forward, but...

Dante & Vergil[]


  • Vergil: Without power, you can protect nothing. Not even yourself.
    Pai: Then Mizonquan would be perfect for you. Especially effective combined with Kung Fu!
    Dante: I don't think he's the right kind of target for your sales pitch.

Demitri Maximoff & Morrigan Aensland[]


  • Pai: Want to star in a horror movie? I could introduce you to some people.
    Demitri: Mwahahah. Humans would stream from theaters in terror at my fearsome countenance.
    Morrigan: They could save so much money on makeup and special effects!

Ichiro Ogami & Erica Fontaine[]


  • Pai: Behold! Haahh! The fruits of my training!
    Erica: Behold! Haahh! The vegetables of my cooking!
    Ichiro: Huh? What kind of training have you been doing, Erica?!


  • Erica: Phew... I think my body's used up its last reserves of custard...
    Pai: Your blood glucose is not strong enough!
    Ichiro: Nothing's ever strong enough with you, is it...

Jin Kazama & Kazuya Mishima[]


  • Kazuya: To pursue real strength, you have to cast off your family, Pai.
    Pai: Father and son, hating each other... It's sad to see.
    Jin: Leave it, Pai. Nothing's gonna change between us now.

Kazuma Kiryu & Goro Majima[]


  • Majima: Wow, a real actress? Crazy, all these folks we're running into.
    Pai: My my, real Japanese gangsters. Interested in any movie offers?
    Kiryu: Movies? I'll pass. Don't want to attract the wrong kind of attention.

Kite & Haseo[]


  • Pai: Haseo, you really need to learn not to be so difficult.
    Haseo: Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Mom.
    Kite: Do you have something against Pai, Haseo?

KOS-MOS & Fiora[]


  • Pai: KOS-MOS, Fiora... Is your kung fu strong enough?
    Fiora: Kunfu? What's that? Some kind of new equipment? A gem?
    KOS-MOS: From the context, I suspect it is a word meaning "battle experience", Fiora.

Reiji Arisu & Xiaomu[]


  • Pai: Reiji, Xiaomu... Is your kung fu strong enough?
    Xiaomu: I dunno about kung fu, but I'm a huge fan of pro wrestling!
    Reiji: Yeah, but making me join your weird wrestle-games is getting to be a bit much...

Ryu & Ken Masters[]


  • Ken: Pai, are all actresses trained fighters?
    Pai: Yeah, lots of them are very strong. Ha! Yah! Weeehatchaa! Like that.
    Ryu: Ah, yeah, I know the type, trust me.


  • Ryu: You'd better work more on your kicks if you want to match power, Pai.
    Pai: But if you practice that too much, don't you risk developing cartoonishly thick legs?
    Ken: We, uh, have no comment on the matter.

Sakura Shinguji & Gemini Sunrise[]


  • Gemini: You can't rely on anyone else in battle! Humans are by nature solitary beings!
    Pai: Wow. You've got some pretty good acting chops.
    Sakura: I'm not sure how much of that was an act...


  • Sakura: Would you like to act alongside Kohran in the Imperial Theater?
    Pai: Sounds interesting. Leave the action scenes to me!
    Gemini: Aww, New York needs some kung fu action. I wanna see more rumbles in the Bronx!

Strider Hiryu & Hotsuma[]


  • Pai: OK, "Nija in China", scene one and... Action!
    Hiryu: Hey, no cameras.
    Hotsuma: I never leave a trace of my work behind.

X & Zero[]


  • Zero: We can always use more Maverick Hunters.
    Pai: Perhaps I could join if I learned how to use a gun?
    X: Yeah, maybe we'll see a Hunter like that one day.

Yuri Lowell & Flynn Scifo[]


  • Yuri: Maybe I'll take the initiative with an Azure Edge...
    Flynn: Good call. I'll back you up with a punishing Demon Fang.
    Pai: You translate your move names? I didn't know you could do that.

Zephyr & Vashyron[]


  • Pai: Zephyr and Vashyron... Is your kung fu strong enough?
    Zephyr: I dunno, we're short on food. I'm starving.
    Vashyron: And my Trusty Magnum isn't looking too hot, either...
Project X Zone Quotes
Paired Characters
Akira & Pai - Chris & Jill - Chun-Li & Morrigan - Dante & Demitri - Frank & Hsien-Ko - Gemini & Erica - Haken & Kaguya
Jin & Xiaoyu - Kite & BlackRose - Kogoro & Mii - KOS-MOS & T-elos - Kurt & Riela - Ogami & Sakura - Reiji & Xiaomu
Ryu & Ken - Soma & Alisa - Toma & Cyrille - X & Zero - Yuri & Estelle - Zephyr & Leanne
Solo Characters
Juri - Tron - Lady - Batsu - Arthur - Devilotte - Imca - Vashyron - Bahn - Bruno
Rikiya - Ulala - Heihachi - Alisa B. - Flynn - Lindow - Saya - Sänger - Valkyrie - Neneko/Neito
Playable Characters (Story)
Kogoro - Mii - Chun-Li - Morrigan - Akira - Pai - Bahn - Tron - Servbots - Frank - Hsien-Ko - Reiji - Xiaomu - Soma - Alisa A. - Vashyron
Gemini - Erica - Zephyr - Leanne - Lindow - Kite - BlackRose - Ryu - Ken - Neneko/Neito - Ichiro - Sakura - Dante - Demitri - Heihachi
Haken - Kaguya - Yuri - Estelle - Sänger - Valkyrie - Kurt - Riela - Flynn - Devilotte - Arthur - Lady - Jin - Xiaoyu - Batsu - Imca
Toma - Cyrille - Alisa B. - KOS-MOS - T-elos - X - Zero - Chris - Jill - Rikiya - Bruno - Ulala - Saya - Juri
Eins - Drei - Dokugozu - Dokumezu - Ciseaux - Due - Aya-me
Lord Raptor - Jedah - Selvaria - Astaroth - Riemsianne - Seth - Vile
Non-Playable Characters

Project X Zone 2
Paired Characters
Akira & Kage Maru - Chris & Jill - Chrom & Lucina - Chun-Li & Xiaoyu - Ciel & Nana - Dante & Vergil - Demitri & Morrigan
Hiryu & Hotsuma - Jin & Kazuya - Kiryu & Majima - Kite & Haseo - KOS-MOS & Fiora - Ogami & Erica - Reiji & Xiaomu
Ryu & Ken - Sakura & Gemini - X & Zero - Yuri & Flynn - Zephyr & Vashyron
Solo Characters
Alisa - Aty - Axel - Captain Commando - Estelle - Felicia - Heihachi - Hibana - Ingrid - June
Leanne - Leon - Natsu - Pai - Phoenix & Maya - Ryo - Segata - Ulala - Valkyrie
Playable Characters (Story)
Reiji - Xiaomu - Chris - Jill - Heihachi - Kiryu - Majima - Jin - Kazuya - Demitri - Morrigan - Phoenix - Maya - Hiryu - Hotsuma
Natsu - Aty - Chun-Li - Xiaoyu - Ryo - KOS-MOS - Fiora - Captain Commando - X - Zero - Kite - Haseo - Ulala - Leon - Akira
Kage Maru - Ingrid - Axel - Dante - Vergil - Valkyrie - Zephyr - Vashyron - Leanne - June - Ciel - Nana - Alisa - Ryu - Ken
Sakura - Gemini - Pai - Ogami - Erica - Felicia - Chrom - Lucina - Yuri - Flynn - Segata - Estelle - Hibana
Sheath - Saya - B.B. Hood - Pyron - Tong Pooh - Juri - Metal Face - T-elos - Shtrom Jr. - Shtrom - Druk - Vile MK-II - Shadow - Dokugozu
Dokumezu - M. Bison - Lord Raptor - B. Hayato - Ranmaru - Dokurobo - Aya-me - Ciseaux - Kamuz - Zagi - Sigma
Non-Playable Characters
Urashima - Sylphie - Miyuki - Aura - Tarosuke - Otohime - Tiki