Project X Zone Wiki

This is a list of quotes for the paired characters Kurt Irving and Riela Marcellis.



  • I see. You seem very calm about this.
  • Ugh. We still don't have enough intel on the enemy...
  • There's nothing to be afraid of. We won't lose this battle.
  • Just make sure you stay calm no matter what happens.
  • Just collect information and make your decisions calmly.
  • This isn't where we die... Let's go!
  • There's no predicting how the battle will go. Be careful.
  • Keep your guard up. We can't afford any mistakes.
  • We know what we have to do. Let's go.
  • Don't worry. We're certain to win as long as we follow the plan.

Special Attack

  • Salvo, fire!
  • Time to attack! Let's get 'em!
  • Mount a full-scale attack!
  • Fire with all your might!
  • Fire everything you got!

Support Attack

  • Riela, I need your support!
  • I won't fight a losing battle.
  • Close in! Blow them away!
  • I'll throw them off balance! Now!
  • We must attack now!
  • Supporting! Concentrating fire!

Multi Attack

  • We have turned this into victory!
  • We will win!
  • The enemies are in tight formation!
  • Let's finish this now!
  • Victory is in sight!


  • The problems never seem to end. We've got to fight more effectively.
  • Yeah, this was a battle we had to win.
  • Alright, how about I make us all some of my special curry?
  • We did it... Good work, everyone.
  • There's no time for celebration. We must move on to the next target.
  • This is just another result.



  • I always have such bad luck. I hope we're okay...
  • Yeah! My heart's as in this as everyone else's!
  • Understood! But, are you sure this is okay?
  • Don't worry! I'll keep you safe!
  • I've decided to use my power for the good of everyone!
  • Aren't they just a little bit too close?!
  • We've got to do everything we can!
  • I'm moving in! We've got to win this!
  • You're so into this you're starting to freak me out!
  • I'll put the power of Valkyria to good use!

Special Attack

  • I must not be defeated here!
  • Please, lend me your power!
  • I... will not be afraid.
  • I must use this power to protect everyone!

Support Attack

  • Roger, supporting now!
  • I absolutely will not lose!
  • We can target them from here!
  • We'll back you up!
  • Beginnning supporting attack!
  • Kurt, flank them!

Multi Attack

  • I must do everything I can.
  • I will fight as myself!
  • This power must be used for everyone!
  • I will show you how this power is used.


  • We did it because we all worked together! Thanks!
  • I think I actually had some luck for once!
  • We won! Thanks for your help everyone!
  • Bring it on! I haven't even broken a sweat!
  • But at least we won! Let's keep it up!
  • Oh no! It's almost time for my scouting shift!

Paired Characters


  • Riela: I want to use this power for the good of everyone!
    Kurt: That's the spirit, Riela. You're the only one who can do it.
  • Riela: I want to do what I can for everyone!
    Kurt: Me too, Riela. Let's get out there and make a difference.
  • Kurt: Hey Riela, I just came up with a good recipe.
    Riela: Right now?! The enemy is right in front us, Kurt!
  • Kurt: Time to commence the attack! Cover me, No.13!
    Riela: Roger that, No.7! You know, I'm actually starting to like using real names better...
  • Kurt: I wish we had more intel to decide a plan of action from...
    Riela: How about just pushing forward and observing as we go?


  • Kurt: We won thanks to you, Riela.
    Riela: It's only because you had faith in me, Kurt...
  • Riela: We must work our hardest for the good of the people, Kurt.
    Kurt: Yeah. Study to win, fight to protect.
  • Kurt: We should have done better. Okay Riela, time for some drills!
    Riela: Right now?! Can't I at least catch my breath?

Solo Characters



  • Kurt: The surprise attack is working! Let's go you two!
    Alisa: Okay! We'll surprise and create an opening!
    Riela: W-Whoa! Don't startle me like that, Alisa!


  • Riela: Alisa, if you can replace your head then where is your brain?
    Alisa: Do you want to know? Like really, really want to know?
    Kurt: Actually I think I'll pass.



  • Arthur: I envy you, Riela. If I had your power...
    Riela: D-Don't be silly! This power is nothing...
    Kurt: It's how you use your power that matters. You should be proud of your abilities, Riela.


  • Kurt: There are some things that we could work on, but I think we learned a lot, too.
    Arthur: It was a flawless victory by my standards! I have nothing to regret!
    Riela: You're missing your armor, but then that doesn't seem to bother you...



  • Bahn: There sure are lots of different types of you military guys out there.
    Riela: Kurt, maybe we should think about making a martial arts unit?
    Kurt: No way. Nobody would want to join it except for Annika.

Batsu Ichimonji


  • Riela: Even if I am defeated, I'll keep fighting while I have the strength!
    Batsu: You can't uphold your values if you lose. You have to win!
    Kurt: That's right. That's the truth of the battlefield.



  • Kurt: Let's commence the battle. Detective, Riela, cover me.
    Bruno: The military, eh... I don't have too many good memories of those days.
    Riela: Don't worry, Bruno. Kurt is a great commanding officer.



  • Devilotte: Don’t let me catch you two messing up! Otherwise it’s the flame pits for you!
    Riela: What?! She’s crazy Kurt!
    Kurt: Calm down. Nobody uses such inhumane punishments.



  • Kurt: I’ll keep them pinned down. You know what to do after that, right?
    Flynn: Don’t worry, I’ll come around from their blind side. They won’t stand a chance.
    Riela: It’s been a while since I felt this comfortable working with someone new.



  • Heihachi: Nothing can withstand my iron fists!
    Kurt: There's no way your fists are actually made of iron. Overconfidence is a weakness.
    Riela: I still don't think he's really lying, though...



  • Kurt: We're going to make it back to our homeworld safe and sound, understand?
    Imca: No problem. I won't die in a place like this!
    Riela: Kurt, Imca... I'll protect you both!


  • Kurt: Riela, Imca, we won thanks to you two.
    Riela: N-Not at all. If it weren't for you Kurt, I...
    Imca: That's right. I... didn't do it for you.



  • Juri: C'mon Riela, let's see that power of yours!
    Riela: Um, Kurt can you do something...?
    Kurt: She might be well suited for the Nameless... Hmm...



  • Riela: You're really armed from head to toe, Lady.
    Lady: It's so I'll always be prepared.
    Kurt: Ready to respond to any situation. I wish we had more people like you in the Nameless.


  • Lady: You should stop fighting wars and become hunters.
    Riela: Um, well, Kurt, what should we do? Mabye we could try it?
    Kurt: What would be the point? Don't you want to return home?



  • Riela: Lindow, do you have any combat tips?
    Lindow: Never give up. Never run away from survival.
    Kurt: That’s a bit abstract. But I think I get what you’re hinting at.



  • Kurt: They're getting closer! I've got to stay calm!
    Neneko: It's candy, it is! Neneko wants some candy too, you know!
    Riela: Hurry Kurt, before Neneko loses her cool!



  • Rikiya: I’ve got an ominous feeling about this. Be on your guard.
    Riela: Could he be talking about me? I have been called the Grim Reaper before...
    Kurt: You’re getting into bad habits again, Riela. Be more confident in yourself.



  • Sänger: A top secret unit that doesn't appear in any records... That sounds like us.
    Kurt: It's not as admirable as it sounds, Sänger.
    Riela: Maybe it's similar in how there are so many offbeat people...



  • Saya: No.7 and No.13,? Alright, then I'll be No.99.
    Riela: Y-You can't just pick your own number like that!
    Kurt: I get the feeling she didn't just pick it at random...



  • Servbots: We perform any service from combat to serving curry!
    Kurt: Curry? What kind of spices do you use?
    Riela: Servbot! Don't talk about curry! It distracts Kurt!



  • Kurt: No! Why do I always think of new recipes at times like these!
    Ulala: Please tell me everything about this new recipe!
    Riela: No, Ulala! Don't ask him!



  • Valkyrie: Okay, No.07 and No.13, let’s do our best. No.17 will support you.
    Riela: S-She seems really serious about this.
    Kurt: Heh, alright. No.17, watch our backs.


  • Riela: The power of Valkyria...I just don't know...
    Valkyrie: Just make sure you wield it responsibly. That is the duty of all those with great power.
    Kurt: Valkyrie is right. Don't be afraid of yourself, Riela.



  • Vashyron: I wish I could finish my work in a smarter fashion.
    Kurt: Yeah, we should try to do things as efficiently and effectively as possible.
    Riela: I don't think Vashyron was saying it that seriously.
Project X Zone Quotes
Paired Characters
Akira & Pai - Chris & Jill - Chun-Li & Morrigan - Dante & Demitri - Frank & Hsien-Ko - Gemini & Erica - Haken & Kaguya
Jin & Xiaoyu - Kite & BlackRose - Kogoro & Mii - KOS-MOS & T-elos - Kurt & Riela - Ogami & Sakura - Reiji & Xiaomu
Ryu & Ken - Soma & Alisa - Toma & Cyrille - X & Zero - Yuri & Estelle - Zephyr & Leanne
Solo Characters
Juri - Tron - Lady - Batsu - Arthur - Devilotte - Imca - Vashyron - Bahn - Bruno
Rikiya - Ulala - Heihachi - Alisa B. - Flynn - Lindow - Saya - Sänger - Valkyrie - Neneko/Neito
Playable Characters (Story)
Kogoro - Mii - Chun-Li - Morrigan - Akira - Pai - Bahn - Tron - Servbots - Frank - Hsien-Ko - Reiji - Xiaomu - Soma - Alisa A. - Vashyron
Gemini - Erica - Zephyr - Leanne - Lindow - Kite - BlackRose - Ryu - Ken - Neneko/Neito - Ichiro - Sakura - Dante - Demitri - Heihachi
Haken - Kaguya - Yuri - Estelle - Sänger - Valkyrie - Kurt - Riela - Flynn - Devilotte - Arthur - Lady - Jin - Xiaoyu - Batsu - Imca
Toma - Cyrille - Alisa B. - KOS-MOS - T-elos - X - Zero - Chris - Jill - Rikiya - Bruno - Ulala - Saya - Juri
Eins - Drei - Dokugozu - Dokumezu - Ciseaux - Due - Aya-me
Lord Raptor - Jedah - Selvaria - Astaroth - Riemsianne - Seth - Vile
Non-Playable Characters

Project X Zone 2
Paired Characters
Akira & Kage Maru - Chris & Jill - Chrom & Lucina - Chun-Li & Xiaoyu - Ciel & Nana - Dante & Vergil - Demitri & Morrigan
Hiryu & Hotsuma - Jin & Kazuya - Kiryu & Majima - Kite & Haseo - KOS-MOS & Fiora - Ogami & Erica - Reiji & Xiaomu
Ryu & Ken - Sakura & Gemini - X & Zero - Yuri & Flynn - Zephyr & Vashyron
Solo Characters
Alisa - Aty - Axel - Captain Commando - Estelle - Felicia - Heihachi - Hibana - Ingrid - June
Leanne - Leon - Natsu - Pai - Phoenix & Maya - Ryo - Segata - Ulala - Valkyrie
Playable Characters (Story)
Reiji - Xiaomu - Chris - Jill - Heihachi - Kiryu - Majima - Jin - Kazuya - Demitri - Morrigan - Phoenix - Maya - Hiryu - Hotsuma
Natsu - Aty - Chun-Li - Xiaoyu - Ryo - KOS-MOS - Fiora - Captain Commando - X - Zero - Kite - Haseo - Ulala - Leon - Akira
Kage Maru - Ingrid - Axel - Dante - Vergil - Valkyrie - Zephyr - Vashyron - Leanne - June - Ciel - Nana - Alisa - Ryu - Ken
Sakura - Gemini - Pai - Ogami - Erica - Felicia - Chrom - Lucina - Yuri - Flynn - Segata - Estelle - Hibana
Sheath - Saya - B.B. Hood - Pyron - Tong Pooh - Juri - Metal Face - T-elos - Shtrom Jr. - Shtrom - Druk - Vile MK-II - Shadow - Dokugozu
Dokumezu - M. Bison - Lord Raptor - B. Hayato - Ranmaru - Dokurobo - Aya-me - Ciseaux - Kamuz - Zagi - Sigma
Non-Playable Characters
Urashima - Sylphie - Miyuki - Aura - Tarosuke - Otohime - Tiki